January 21 on FM: ‘...
Hosted by Ariana Manov, Valecia Phillips & Abeni Moreno : “La Loca” Pegine Eschevarria goes corporate with her multi-cultural diversity trainings and mentoring girls. She’s getting us to “Lighten Up and Lead: How To Be Fun, Feisty, Focused and Fearless” –and...
Jan 14 on FM : Fast Food...
Hosted by Lynn Harris Ballen, Valecia Phillips & Abeni Moreno, with Danielle Roderick : Fast food workers are fed up! And Ms. Magazine’s Fall issue told the stories of women workers fighting for economic survival in the fast food industry. Ms. writer Michelle Chen joins...
Jan 7 on FM : What are Y...
Join us for a very special “Feminist Resolutions For The New Year” edition of Feminist Magazine on Tuesday, January 7th on KPFK Los Angeles, 90.7 FM between 3 – 4:00 PST. WE REALLY WANT TO HEAR YOUR RESOLUTIONS –EITHER AS AN INDIVIDUAL FEMINIST OR FROM...