Mar 21 on FM: bell hooks...
Hosted by Ariana Manov and Lynn Harris Ballen Is Feminism Still for Everybody? We’re thrilled to bring you a rebroadcast of a recent interview with visionary feminist theorist and cultural critic, bell hooks, who joyously re-defines the “F” word and interweaves the passionate...
March 15 on FM: History ...
This week Feminist Magazine is airing at a special time ~ Thursday March 15th at 3pm. And we’re continuing our unique take on the theme of Women’s History Month – with guests who are making herstory right here & right now! And speaking of history – you’re...
March 7 on FM: Celebrati...
What does International Women’s Day mean to you? This week on Feminist Magazine we celebrate and ‘interrogate’ this historic day for women! We talk to Emily Heroy of Gender Across Borders about their annual Blog Day for IWD, where bloggers and humanitarian organizations...