July 21 on FM: Women...
Hosted by Lynn Harris Ballen and Susan Kraker July 19th is the anniversary of the 1848 first national Convention for Womens Rights! We celebrate with Louise Vance, director of the documentary film Seneca Falls, the story of nine high school girls who traveled to the anniversary celebrations...
Join the Site: Beyond Se...
From BeyondSenecaFalls.com Join the awesome new social networking site Beyond Seneca Falls and engage with forums, live chats and blogs. The networking site launches on 7/19/2010, the anniversary of the 1848 Seenca Falls Convention for Women’s Rights, and is a space to dig...
July 14 on FM: Disruptin...
Hosted by Christene Kings and Melissa Chiprin Christene and Melissa will peel back the layers of Dis-information at Peel Here political sticker and paste up forum’s Brace Your Self with Rosanna Esparza Ahrens aka/ZanlovesEast LA, Diana Gamboa, and Erendira Bernal, Operations...
In Activism: Radical Wom...
Thursday, July 22, 7:00 p.m. Solidarity Hall, 2170 W. Washington Blvd., L.A. Radical Women Modilizing Meeting Come learn about current socialist feminist political mobilizing efforts and how you can get involved in issues, from Supreme Court nominations to holding British Petroleum...
July 7 on FM: Politics o...
Hosted by Ariana Manov and Lynn Harris Ballen All the world’s a stage –but in Los Angeles, does small theatre even matter? Are relevance, popularity and economic survival mutually exclusive? And what about the women –from a feminist perspective? We’ve put together a roundtable...