FM Jan 30: Feminist Love...
THIS WEEK on Feminist Magazine with host Karina Elias. FIRST…We’re spreading the feminist love just in time for Valentines Day. Karina Elias spoke with Cindy Rehm about her upcoming workshop and ongoing project Feminist Love Letters. So what does a feminist love letter sound like?...
TUESDAY April 28th: A last minute invite to join Heather Marlowe on Tues. at 8pm at Ground Zero Cafe on the campus at USC – with her play THE HAZE … that exposed 1,877 ignored rape kits … including her own. It’s one hour. A “dark humored ROMP through...
International Women̵...
ON THE WEEKEND OF MARCH 7th & 8th – in solidarity with International Women’s Day across the world – Los Angeles feminist organizations are hosting three great events you won’t want to miss! (And Feminist Magazine is a proud endorser and participant in...
Youtube:The Feminist Wir...
The Feminist Wire Managing Editors, Tamura A. Lomax and Monica J. Casper, on FemMag discussing TFW and the new Elementary Feminisms campaign with Feminist Magazine Senior Producer/Co-Host Lynn Harris Ballen (Original Air Date: Tuesday, March 19, 2013).