FM Nov 27: Que Vivan Las...
THIS WEEK on Feminist Magazine with hosts Karina Elias and Lynn Harris Ballen: FIRST…Educator, Social Advocate, Film & Television Writer and Director,Carmen Elly Wilkerson speaks with Cherise Charleswell about her short film,“The Reunion”. Carmen is a former public...
When feminists $upport w...
Want to keep hearing Feminist Voices? Stories YOU care about? & Kickass womyn making a difference?! $upport FEMINIST RADIO & our FemMagRadio Podcast!! It’s so easy … Take a minute to Give right here Our show has been off the air while KPFK raises much needed...
International Women̵...
ON THE WEEKEND OF MARCH 7th & 8th – in solidarity with International Women’s Day across the world – Los Angeles feminist organizations are hosting three great events you won’t want to miss! (And Feminist Magazine is a proud endorser and participant in...
make Fem Media heard!...
The Guardian newspaper recently reported about ‘Fear and Loathing of women on the radio” – how the history of women in broadcasting has been one of prejudice, vitriol and fear. Help us to keep making Women’s Voices heard! Take a moment to nominate FemMag for...