FM Aug 11, 2024 : Gender Liberation March / Election Security

THIS WEEK on Feminist Magazine with host Lynn Harris Ballen :  FIRST  … This is a crucial moment for our bodily autonomy, self-determination, and basic right to make our own choices about our bodies, identities, and self-expression. We can’t wait until after we lose all our rights to start paying attention.
A new intersectional Gender Liberation Movement is forming and they’re marching on September 14 in Washington DC at the steps of the Heritage Foundation, authors of Project 2025, for the future of trans healthcare, reproductive rights, and the basic rights of our communities. They invite you to join them in the streets to tell the world that we’re not backing down. And if you can’t march, donate or buy merch to support. Beyond marching, they plan to keep working to create a new movement that will stand up and use direct action, media and policy strategies – no matter who is elected this November.
They’re working for a future of #genderliberation and bodily automomy, where all people have the right to make their own choices about their bodies and identities. And we talk to one of the core founders – award-winning author, activist, and media strategist Raquel Willis.   JOIN THE MOVEMENT ➡️GENDERLIB.COM

AND Just how secure is our election system?
While happily the polls show support for Harris as stronger than Biden’s were and gaining on Trump in swing states there are still ways the Republicans are working hard to manipulate this election.  “It’s been more than three years since a team of Republican officials engaged in a covert operation to illegally access a rural Georgia county’s electronic elections system and appear to have made off with sensitive computer information — after briefing Donald Trump on aspects of that plan in the White House .Yet no one — not the feds, not state elections officials, not even local law enforcement — has ascertained exactly what happened in Coffee County, Georgia, a rural patch of the politically deep red American South.”
And this is only the tip of the ice berg of election fraud possibilities in Georgia and many other states including California that don’t have a way to verify votes or have enough poll workers to make sure the system works fairly”.
Hear from two women  – Emily Levy of and Marilyn Marks of Coalition for Good Governance – working to make our election system more transparent and secure.

Wednesdays at 7 on KPFK 90.7FM and
Podcast on Spotify & Apple

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