Today we talk to Shayda Kafai author of Crip Kinship – a radical new book that explores the art and activism of Sins Invalid, a queer disability justice performance project. We talk about the Queer disability justice framework and lessons that disabled, queer, and trans people of color have for collective survival and collective liberation
THEN … Three conversations explore the expansion of gender identity and presumed roles in our society. Taking a look beyond the socially constructed ideas of what is male, female, masculine or feminine.
With all the rightwing attempts to redefine gender as solely based on a person’s genitalia at birth – Transgender, Intersex and Non-Binary Identities are threatened. — What does it mean when people challenge specific societal expectations of gender? And for intersex individuals, how are these ideas of gender challenged? In the spectrum of “queer identity” how does one embody masculinity, femininity, or neither? And how are communities responding to the potential threat of erasure?
Wednesday at 7 on KPFK
Podcast on Spotify, Apple & GooglePlay
Podcast on Spotify, Apple & GooglePlay
Special Thanks to YR Media for the feature, “Meet Me at The Club.”
Disability Justice Primer: https://www.sinsinvalid.org/disability-justice-primer
Sins Invalid Coloring Book: https://www.sinsinvalid.org/coloring-book
Nap Ministry: https://www.instagram.com/thenapministry/
Margaret Price: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/pdf/10.1111/hypa.12127?casa_token=NuZAOZksyrIAAAAA:r9nybMoQFk0XnQHmqtHDxXp1ABlixlip1KRJEfU3TIG1HeKpVYHCxfwoOzlkdv606YDI_5WTDCZeoYY
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/shaydakafai/
Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha Book: https://arsenalpulp.com/Books/C/Care-Work