THEN … What is rape culture? What does it look like? “Roll Red Roll“ is a new documentary that goes behind the headlines… looking at the Steubenville Ohio case from a new angle – to uncover the social media-fueled “boys will be boys” culture at the root of high school sexual assault in America. We talk to director Nancy Schwartzman about the larger culture – the bystanders, communities and institutions that enable the behavior.
AND … The classic film “Before Stonewall: The Making of a Gay and Lesbian Community“ has been re-released to coincide with the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall uprising. And contributor Ande Richards talks to director Greta Schiller about how this film pried open the closet door, telling the dramatic story of public and private lives of LGBT Americans since the early 1900’s. Revealing and often humorous, this documentary uses eye-opening historical footage and interviews to relive the events that led to the 1969 Stonewall uprising and sparked much of today’s LGBT rights movement in the US & beyond.
All this on KPFK on Tuesday at 2.
THIS is What Feminism Can Sound Like.
THIS is What Feminism Can Sound Like.