June 24 on FM: feminist ...
Hosted by Ariana Manov and Felicia Montes : It’s a tough call. Does feminist art always leave us having to “eat our spinach”? (Do it, it’ll be good for you!”) Art seeks to explore the deep questions. Politics demands a clear direction and message. How do feminist...
June 17 on FM: South Asi...
Hosted by Valecia Phillips & Sese Abejon. Coming up on Tuesday at 3 PST on Feminist Magazine: … Caritas Doha of Sakhi for South Asian Women talks about her work to help young women who immigrated to the U.S. as children apply for employment authorization under the DACA program...
June 10 on FM: “Killin...
Hosted by Ariana Manov/Sese Abejon/Primrose Villena : Coming up on “Feminist Magazine” … Denise Uyehara “Hot Flashes” on “Killing Columbus” from her performance art perspective; plus “51-pretty-shocking-facts-that-make-things-harder-for-every-woman-you-have-ever-met”...
June 3 on FM: Free Maris...
Hosted by Lynn Harris Ballen, Valecia Phillips & Abeni Moreno : Why is Marissa Alexander, a black mother in Florida, fighting a potential 60 year sentence for defending herself against an abusive spouse? We discuss how race, gender and sexuality play out in legislation like...