Jan 22 on FM: Beyond Roe...
Hosted by Lynn Harris Ballen & Sammy Lyon : The 40th Anniversary of the passing of Roe v. Wade comes at a time when the right to an abortion is being whittled away state by state. Access is more limited than ever, racial and ethnic disparities in reproductive health outcomes...
Jan 15 on FM: Trust Wome...
Hosted by Lynn Harris Ballen and Ariana Manov : Dr. Sophia Yen hopes to become the first Surgeon General to say “masturbation” without being asked to resign –AND she wants to prevent ALL teenage pregnancy! She’s here to tell us how –and to talk about the Silver Ribbon Campaign...
imMEDIAte Justice Benefi...
Come Celebrate Capricorn Birthdays at the imMEDIAte Justice Benefit Concert! 7pm on Thursday, January 24, at Central SAPC on 14th Street in Santa Monica. 8 dollars at the door, All proceeds go to imMEDIAte Justice, a non-profit that teaches filmmaking and sex education to girls....
Jan 8 on FM: Native Wome...
Hosted by Lynn Harris Ballen, Ariana Manov and Celina Alvarez : Lauren Chief Elk, co-founder of the Save Wiyabi Project, updates us on efforts to pass the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) with the inclusion of protections for Native American women and communities. As an advocacy...