Support us!...
Support Feminist Magazine by helping to keep KPFK a strong and independent source of music, arts, news and information. Text ‘KPFK’ to 41444 on your cellphone OR you can pledge securely online via PayPal at KPFK.org or phone (818) 985-2711 ext. 508 AND Please mention...
In Performance:’Ar...
Performance Artist Denise Uyehara invites you to Enter The 2012 Prophecy and Origin Myth Contest! To play, answer either/both of the following questions: – “What is the origin myth of your people?” – “What is your prophecy for 2012?” Email your answers at denise@deniseuyehara.com. ...
On Campus: Thinking Gend...
UCLA Center for the Study of Women presents THINKING GENDER ALL ARE WELCOME! FREE! The 22nd annual graduate student research conference features research on women, gender, and sexuality across all historical periods and disciplines. Preliminary program is now online: DATE: Friday,...