January 4 on FM: “Behind the Veil”/digital justice/elections

Hosted by Ariana Manov & Celina Alvarez w/ Denise Zepeda:

Coming up on Feminist Magazine, what does all this presidential folderol (and the Iowa Caucus) mean for our feminist agenda? Dr. Caroline Heldman, from Occidental College, a specialist on the presidency, race, and gender, tells us what’s at stake.

Award winning Slam Poet Roxy Azari takes us into Muslim women’s lives “Behind the Veil” in Turkey, Morrocco, France, India, Indonesia, and the United Arab Emirates and shares vast interpretations and symbolizations of veiling/unveiling. She’ll explore how the controversy impairs our understanding and veils our own eyes preventing us from seeing women’s activism and political involvement. And Roxy uses her voice as a Slam Poet to demand social change nationally and internationally.

And Andrea Quijada –a Xicana/queer/media literacy activist — is back focusing on “digital justice”, what makes “Internet Neutrality” very much a feminist issue and what we can do to shape our own narratives. We’ll talk control, media justice, self-determination and movement building in 2012.

Wednesday night at 7, this is what feminism sounds like.

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(left: Andrea Quijada ; center: Media Literacy Project; right: Roxy Azari)

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