Hosted by Celina Alvarez and Lynn Harris Ballen.
Elizabeth Sadlon from Girls on the Run will join us to talk about the L.A. chapter of this nationwide program that shows preteen girls how to avoid ‘the girl box’ – and develop self-respect and healthy lifestyles through running. And soon to be seen at Outfest: German documentary filmmaker Monika Treut (TROYT) takes a new direction with a narrative film exploring the relationship between two women and two cultures and the freedoms in Chinese ghost myths. Then hear from two local authors: Terry Wolverton and Cheryl Klein about their newly published novels ‘The Labrys Reunion (LAB-RISS) and Lilac Mines – with a shared theme of women coming of age in different eras who find ways to connect across different generational views of what feminism(s) are all about. (left: Girls on the Run; middle: The Labrys Reunion; right: Lilac Mine)