January 11 is Human Traf...
According to the United Nations, human trafficking is the process by which a person is recruited to be controlled and held captive for the purpose of exploitation. The resulting exploitation is essentially a modern-day form of slavery as human trafficking victims are subjected to...
Support ALICE WALKER Doc...
‘The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don’t have any.’ -Alice Walker We do have the power, so let’s use it to create films by and about women. ALICE WALKER: BEAUTY IN TRUTH is a feature documentary film about the life and times...
Blog: Radio’s Dead...
WAM – Women Action & Media (19 August 2011) Sick of the same hateful shit on mainstream radio? You’re not alone. The Women’s Radio Fund outlines the ways which mainstream radio silences feminist voices and actively promotes those of outspoken anti-feminists. ...
August 3 on FM: organizi...
Hosted by Ariana Manov and Celina Alvarez Professors Dionne Espinoza and Susana Gallardo discuss Chicana/Latina and Native American Women organizing against fear and terror. They will be previewing what will happen at Cal State L.A.’s 2011 Mujeres Activas en Letras y Cambio...