FM June 23: Housing Not...
THIS WEEK on Feminist Magazine with host Lynn Harris Ballen :: FIRST … The national homelessness crisis has reached unprecedented levels and local jails play a direct role in the problem. 15% of all people detained or incarcerated report having been homeless. In California,...
FM June 16: BlackFeminis...
THIS WEEK on Feminist Magazine with host Lynn Harris Ballen :: FIRST … Cherise Charleswell talks to Stephanie Younger, activist & founder of the Black Feminist Collective; a group of Black feminists and womanists who stand for Black liberation in its entirety, including...
FM June 9 : Bitch Magazi...
THIS WEEK on Feminist Magazine with host Lynn Harris Ballen :: FIRST … Cherise Charleswell talks to Evette Dionne, Editor-In-Chief of BITCH magazine, to hear about their 25th anniversary and how the magazine manages to remain intersectional & still so relevant. THEN...