Hosted by Ariana Manov and Christene Kings.
Pioneer feminist theologian Dr. Rosemary Radford Ruether takes a bound-to-be-controversial “Fresh look at Genesis: A world of Hope Beyond the Barriers of Patriarchy”
Myra Duran, National Campus Organizer for the Feminist Majority and Jollene Levid, the National Chairperson of Af3irm – the Association of Filipinas and Feminists Fighting Imperialism, Re-Feudalization and Marginalization join us –what do you suppose they do? (You can say a lot in a name!).
And we’ll examine the “New Racism: Illusions of Equality and the Assault on Ethnic Studies” with Dr. Maythee Rojas and Dr. Carleen Sanchez, President & Vice President of the National Association of Ethnic Studies.
This is what feminism sounds like!
(left: Dr. Rosemary Radford Ruether; middle: Af3irm ; right: Dr. Maythee Rojas)