Write a Letter: Help Sav...
This Action Alert has expired. The vital work of three Los Angeles City Commissions – Commission on Women, Youth and Children and Commission on the Status of Women, and Human Relations – is being eliminated! These commissions are often the only way for ‘minority’...
Jan 13 on FM: Military W...
Hosted by Melissa Chiprin We will continue a recent dialogue which aired December 23 with filmmaker Amanda Spain. Spain has focused her energies into social issue documentaries. Her latest project was producing the documentary series In Their Boots, this series was dedicated to showing...
Jan 6 on FM: Chicana Fem...
Hosted by Ariana Manov , Lynn Harris Ballen, and Celina Alvarez We’re reclaiming the “F” word in a far ranging exploration of power and privilege, rejecting standard binaries of race, ethnicity, class and gender. Professor Aida Hurtado, the author of Voicing Chicana Feminisms...