Stop funding for Fake Clinics and Abstinence-Only Education! Stop Deceptive Advertising Practices!
Millions of federal dollars fund failed abstinence-only programs and so-called Crisis Pregnancy Centers or “fake clinics.” Congressional studies have shown abstinence only programs don’t work and too often lead young people to question the need for contraception.
Crisis Pregnancy Centers, often advertising under “abortion services” in the yellow pages, pose as full-service women’s health clinics and lure women in with promises of free pregnancy tests and “counseling” for unintended pregnancies. Contrary to what they want you to believe, these fake clinics repeatedly make false medical claims to dissuade and delay women from obtaining comprehensive medical services, particularly abortion and birth control.
Tell Congress we will not be silent while failed abstinence-only programs and crisis pregnancy centers continue to use federal funding and endanger women’s health!
Sign the Petition: Stop Funding for Fake Clinics and Abstinence-Only Education